How did did this sport started
Golf appeared 500 years ago. There were those who say that (James II) King of Scotland in March of the game and also the case for his wife (Mary).
It was born the sport in Scotland

Old golf ball ..
It moved the game from Scotland to Ireland, and then to England, and when he left Immigrants first to North America mid-year 1800 I moved to America and Canada, and remained perception of America as the sport played by of avoiding fatigue or fear the effort, and this game is limited the upper classes and the rich only. But it appeals to the rich so much of our time, but banning is not their game on their own now ...
The beginnings of the game
Held the first championship golf course in America in 894 on New York, and won the game fame there after 20 years thanks to (Francis Ouimet) the son of the twenty-year-old, who stunned the people by playing nice, although his debut as a factor to carry the rackets of the players, and his father was a man, a gardener takes care of grass golf courses.
Stick Figure Golf older
The laws of this sport
Golf course an 18 hole indoor cannabis or natural grass, and ground terrain different geographic, including sand or dirt and contains the stadium pools of water, artificial, the goal of existence form a hindrance or barrier to the player, and is required to overcome them, and when you enter the ball into the water shall be punished player's sanction.
There are four major tournaments are important in the world, called the Championship (Major) does not involve only the professional, a tournament the British, then three tournaments held in America, known as PAL USA Open, and US Masters, and BGA, and there are Championship important are (Alryder Cap) are held among the best players in Europe against the best players in America.
And clothes for this game players can wear casual clothes consisting of a light cotton shirt, and allowed to wear a hat in addition to long pants, sunglasses are optional, and uses a special shoe.
As for the speculator, for every blow or distance Mdharbha own, and the number of racquets used racket to 14 maximum.
And tennis are usually made of wood or iron, and putter was made of wood tree that gives us the fruit of Almstic Alkaka, but now Faisna of material including titanium, which makes aircraft, because it is light and strong, while the other bringeth of iron or copper.

And the weight of this ball more than an ounce and 62%, and around one inch, and 68%.
And win the game the player who ends each hole the lowest number of strikes, if two players tie for the championship play two holes to win one of them.
The flag always refers to the place of the hole, and fixed in the inside, and can ask the player to remove him before the performance of a strike, and prevents touching the flag at all through the movement of the ball outside the (Green), the area surrounding the pit and have the grass too short.
And may not pave the path of the ball to the hole, except in the case of a hindrance as simple as stones or tree branches lying, but the right of the player raising the ball and put it in place soon to avoid obstacles such as water or rain accumulated or drilling should not be closer to the hole, the following may be to clean the ball of clay, and shall be returned to the same place and only punishes the player Drepetta penalty or stay away from the game.
First: Msabakhalfozfa game, Alvaúzbogelb Alhverhulfaúz side.
Second: Msabakhalfozfa strikes, and the lowest end Alvaúzhoalve Addinm strikes.
It must in both cases that hit the ball with a racket. Are not allowed to increase it or drag the movement of rooms and prevents hitting the ball twice, and can play individually or play as a team composed of players, three or four players, and the game was first carried out to hit the ball over the pile of sand there at the beginning of the path of the stadium known as PAL Box - T.
The flag always refers to the place of the hole, and fixed in the inside, and can ask the player to remove him before the performance of a strike, and prevents touching the flag at all through the movement of the ball outside the (Green), the area surrounding the pit and have the grass too short.
And may not pave the path of the ball to the hole, except in the case of a hindrance as simple as stones or tree branches lying, but the right of the player raising the ball and put it in place soon to avoid obstacles such as water or rain accumulated or drilling should not be closer to the hole, the following may be to clean the ball of clay, and shall be returned to the same place and only punishes the player Drepetta penalty or stay away from the game.
(Fluid level cap) is to record the player strikes the highest rate of the pitch.
(Alaagel) a penalty stroke and the mean increase in the number of strokes a player or two-stroke and there is also Dubl Eagle.
(Bouji) means above average for a single hole.
The word rate of the hole means that this hole must be terminated by the player during the three strokes or 4 strokes, for example by the rate of this pit.
Each hole rate ranges between 3 to 5 strokes, and there are 18 holes drilled on the field rate of 10 4 strokes and 4 strokes drilling rate of 3 and 4 represented an average 5 strokes. For a total par 72 is the full rate in a single session, for example.
Valambarah PRO consists of 4 courses and the lowest number of strokes for each hole
Three most or five athletes in the world, Tiger Woods practiced this sport
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